Jaz Ebon Heir
2018 100% NFQHA, AQHA
Slate Grulla Bulldog Mare
Jaz Poco Bravo, 100% NFQHA Bulldog X
Jaz Ebon Doll, 100% NFQHA, AQHA
5 Panel N/N
2018 Jaz Ebon Heir
​​Jaz Poco Bravo x Jaz Ebon Doll
2018 100% NFQHA, AQHA, IBHA Mare
EE aa Dd Homozygous Black, Slate Grulla
5 panel clean
Bulldog. Jaz Ebon Heir is 100% National Foundation Bulldog Quarter horse. Her historic lineage is pure Bulldog that traces back 200 years when the American West was being settled. As her name reveals, Ebon Heir is likely the last foal in a great dynasty. Her dam, Jaz Ebon Doll, is the most prized broodmare in Jaz Ranch history. We are honored to carry on these irreplaceable up close, old bloodlines. Ebon Heir is a Bulldog Empress, heir to her throne. That baby doll face could charm an army, but this girl is built like a fortress. Broad blocky shoulders, deep haunches and a short-coupled frame, it's no wonder she powers through a herd.
Dressed in Slate. Ebon Heir is a very rare Slate Grulla adorned with a majestic dark Slate head and legs and a black mane and tail. Her body tone is a clean, lighter shade of Slate Grulla. Pure Slate, no soot! She's a standout!