Jaz Poco Zorro
100% NFQHA, Best in Type, Athleticism and Temperament
Jaz Poco Zorro
​Set a new standard and make your dreams a reality! Zorro sires talent for the job and temperament to enjoy the ride.
Zorro sires:​
premium quality stallions/prospects/mares
amateur-friendly temperaments with professional level athleticism
high trainability, sensible minds
elastic, uphill gaits with lightness
engaged hindquarters and hind limbsn
natural cutting and sorting ability
balanced, correct conformation
bone, roomy hooves, soundness
fabulous toplines, extreme good looks, beautiful heads
cow sense
exceptional talent for cutting, reining, team penning, team sorting, western dressage, roping, speed events, mounted archery, trail and ranch versatility.

Little Steel Dust X Bains Showdown Dun
1999 Black 100% National Foundation Quarter Horse Stallion
5 Panel Clean
1200 Pounds
14.3 hands​
The Ultimate Bulldog. Cerulean Farm's Jaz Poco Zorro is 100% pure American Bulldog Foundation Quarter Horse, no Thoroughbred blood, making him a true national treasure. Zorro solidifies Bulldog type, ample bone, strong, roomy hooves, world-class bloodlines and a 10+ temperament. His exceptionally balanced conformation, deep haunches, well-angled shoulder and hind limbs produce dressage-like movement, elasticity and superior athleticism/versatility. Zorro has retired from a successful career in team penning and team sorting.
Zorro's pedigree is highly regarded some of the best of Poco Bueno, King, Beaver Creek and the great NFQHA producer, Little Steel Dust, bringing back old bloodlines close to Poco Bueno himself. Most importantly, Zorro is out of arguably the greatest Foundation broodmare of all time, Bains Showdown Dun. These close-up bloodlines open new options for Poco Bueno and King fans as well as those who desire to produce color, including Grulla, Dun and Black. Not just a pretty face, Zorro is a true gentleman. Ever kind in demeanor, this boy gets to work, eager to please.
Zorro sires quality balanced conformation, substance, athleticism, soundness and fantastic temperaments, marking him as a notable Foundation sire. Built to endure tireless hours of ranch work over rugged terrain, Zorro has cow sense, speed and agility. His foals will excel in all Ranching specialties, Reining and Western Dressage.
Links to:

Uequalled Bulldog Type and Athleticism
World-Class Purebred and Partbred Foals